Selected Publications

Poetry, fiction, and journalism can be found below.

Hard Work in Sixth Finch (July 2024)

A Just Look at Jennifer Lackey in North By Northwestern (May 2024)

Indigenous Futures Research Symposium in The Daily Northwestern (May 2024)

Kirstin Valdez Quade at NU Writers Festival in The Daily Northwestern (May 2024)

Connections for the Homeless Milestone Celebration in The Daily Northwestern (May 2024)

Raven Leilani talks writing lust in Luster in North By Northwestern (March 2024)

Dear Vincent in The Adroit Journal (August 2023)

The Abstract Creatures of Syrian Sculptor Aboud Fares in Penang Monthly (May 2023)

I have abandoned my old haunts in The Penn Review (February 2023)

Wasteland in Superstition Review (December 2022)

Trina Teoh Drops Poetry Art on Unsuspecting Readers in Penang Monthly (Sept 2022)

Aviary in Passages North (March 2022)

Greenery in The Offing (March 2022)

Addressing Cultural Taboos and Alleviating Period Poverty in Penang Monthly (March 2022)

Indigenous Malaysian Filmmaker Nadira Ilana in Penang Monthly (December 2021)

Malaysian Cinema: An Intricate Tale of Pride and Prejudice in Penang Monthly (December 2021)

Dali & the Finer Points of Memory in Waxwing (October 2021)

Reflecting Pool in Cheap Pop Lit, reprinted in Best Microfictions (September 2021)

Aperture in Sine Theta Magazine (August 2021)

Butterfly Kingdom, Roadside Memorabilia in Counterclock Journal(June 2021)

Vestigial Structures, Radium Girls in The Interlochen Review(May 2021)

Selected Honors

Helen G. Scott Prize for Best First-Year Paper, Northwestern University Department of English (2023)

William Faricy Poetry Award, Northwestern University Department of English (2023)

Semifinalist, Gregory Djanikian Scholars (2023)

Semifinalist, The Adroit Prizes (2023)

Finalist, Narrative Magazine “Tell Me a Story” High School Contest, judged by Jericho Brown (2022)

Finalist, Hippocrates Young Poets Prize for Poetry and Medicine (2022)

Finalist, Arthur Flowers Short Fiction Prize (2021)

Commended Poet, Foyle Young Poets (2021)

Elinor Benedict Poetry Prize, Passages North (2021)

Winner in Prose, Counterclock Awards (2021)

Finalist in Fiction, Columbia College Chicago's Young Authors Writing Competition (2021)

Honorable Mention, Princeton University Leonard L. Milberg Poetry Prize (2021)

Honorable Mention, The Kenyon Review's Patricia Grodd Poetry Prize (2021)

Shortlist, Sine Theta Summer Writing Contest, judged by RF Kuang (2021)